Saturday, January 20, 2007

His Quotes My Reflection...

"Not only do happy people endure pain better and take more halt and safety precautions when threatened, but positive emotions undo negative emotions."

[It's never a bad idea to have a good view of life, especially if you are bad at doin that. This quotation caught my attention the very first time I saw it. I like its message about how being more positive actually takes away negative thoughts and emoitons. It tells me that happy people tend to do better under stressed situation, in which mastering it is one of my ultimate goals]

"When we are happy, we are less self-focused, we like others more, and we want to share our good fortune even with strangers. When we are down, though, we become distrustful, turn inward, and focus defensively on our own needs. Looking out for number one is more charcteristic of sadness than of well-being."

[This means that, when a person is happy, he will show it to others and thus making them feel happy as well. On the other hand, a grumpy people will tend to refuse to talk to other people and try to calm down by being isolated. From the past experience, I enjoy sharing good feelings with my friends, and prefer to not social when i'm grumpy. I had some friends coming up to me when they are sad. By reading this quote, I can see better solutions to tell them next time. It's always good to help others]

"There is only a moderate negative correlation between positive and negative emotion. This means that if you have a lot of negative emotion in your life, you may have somewhat less positive emotion than average, but that you are not remotely doomed to a joyless life. Similarly, if you have a lot of positive emotion in your life, this only protects you moderately well from sorrows."

[What can cheer you up more than this? It gives hope to even the most negative person, and warns them to be aware of the dangers that might be hidden under the happiness emotions. As a rather pessimistic person, this quote allows me to question my pessimism whether it will grow with me. I regard myself as a careful person rather than pessimistic, therefore the second part of this quote is especially interesting to me. I truly agree that optimism always risks overlooking threats and potential dangers unlike mild pessimism.]

"Habits of thinking need not be forever. One of the most significant findings in psychology in the last twenty years is that individuals can choose the way they think."

[This suggest that individuals are the "captains of their souls". Optimistic view leads to optimistic behavior, and that means a happier life. To me, this quote says "The time when a person can really tell apart a good choice from a bad one is when he has grown up and gained enough experience of the world". It is like a reminder saying to pay attention to advice given from adults, because they have more experience of life than you do, therefore what they say will not be useless]

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